Every now and again I get some feedback from the people that I teach on my Flash Photography Workshops and this one was just so nice that I just had to share it with you.
So I've just taught a workshop in London as part of Photography Farm Elements (I'm doing all my workshops with Photography Farm as we just have so much fun.) and one of the photographers on the workshop, Caroline sent me the nicest thank you card. This was the card above and these are the very kind words that she wrote:
"Hi Adam,
Thank you so much for teaching me not to be scared of my flash!
Such simple little tricks that really work, your teaching is honestly amazing - no ego, no making me feel silly for not knowing things - you are ace!
(I know i said that before). So enough before I give you a big head!
Thanks again, i'm going to break out the off camera flash at every wedding now until I nail it!
Take care
I'm so grateful to receive such nice words and what I love is that she summed up my teaching style. I try to make things easy and simple for people as I think thats the best way of learning and of course to make it as much fun as possible.
So if you'd like to learn all about On and Off Camera flash and how to not be scared of that little black thing in your camera bag, I have a few dates coming up where i'm teaching my basic Flash workshops:
Glasgow - 8th & 9th October - Advanced Flash
Bath - 6th & 7th November
London - 12th & 13th November
Belfast - 19th & 20th November
Photography Farm Week - 16th - 20th February 2015 - where i'll be doing an On Camera, an Off Camera and an Advanced Off Camera flash workshops as well as a workshop about breaking into Commercial Photography.
So if you'd like to find out more, check out the Photography Farm website by clicking that link.